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JOURNALS // Kvantovaya Elektronika // Archive

Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1985 Volume 12, Number 10, Pages 2176–2179 (Mi qe7946)

Brief Communications

Absolute determination of the frequency in an He$-$Ar laser $(\lambda = 2{.}39\mu)$

V. G. Gol'dort, G. S. Gutov, V. F. Zakharyash, Yu. F. Kirillov, Yu. A. Matyugin, B. A. Timchenko, V. P. Chebotaev

Abstract: A determination was made of the frequency of an He$-$Ar laser emitting the $\lambda = 2{.}39\,\mu$ line as a result of the $3d \bigl[{1\atop2}\bigr]^0_0\to4p'\bigl[{1\atop2}\bigr]_1$ $(3d_6\to 2p_2)$ transition in Ar I. The measured frequency was synthesized by a metal$-$oxide$-$metal diode from the fourth harmonic of the frequency of a CO$_2$ laser corresponding to the $P$(24) emission line at $\lambda= 9{.}6\,\mu$ and the frequency of a microwave oscillator emitting in the range of 39 GHz. The synthesized frequency was $\nu_{{\mathrm{He-Ar}}(2{.}39\,\mu)} = 125\,053\,923 \pm 10$ MHz.

UDC: 621.373.826.038.823

PACS: 42.55.Lt, 42.60.Jf, 42.55.Ah

Received: 07.02.1985

 English version:
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1985, 15:10, 1435–1437

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