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JOURNALS // Kvantovaya Elektronika // Archive

Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1986 Volume 13, Number 11, Pages 2236–2242 (Mi qe8316)

Energy characteristics of cw gas-discharge lasers utilizing self-terminating atomic transitions. II. Calculation of lasing characterisics

V. M. Batenin, S. V. Kalinin, I. I. Klimovskii

Abstract: Calculations are made of the active medium gains and efficiencies, and of the specific laser output powers due to self-terminating transitions in atoms in cw gas discharge lasers utilizing Ca, Sr, Ba, Cu, Au, and Mn vapors. The calculated and experimental lasing characteristics in a quasi-cw barium vapor laser are compared. The calculated gain values range from tenths of to a few reciprocal centimeters, the specific laser output powers are 0.1–10 W/cm3, and the maximum efficiencies are 0.2–2%. Estimates are made of the transverse dimensions of the laser discharge systems required to obtain a high specific laser output power.

UDC: 621.373.826.038.823

PACS: 42.55.Lt, 42.60.Lh, 42.60.Jf, 42.60.Pk, 52.80.Tn

Received: 20.12.1985

 English version:
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1986, 16:11, 1475–1479

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