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JOURNALS // Regular and Chaotic Dynamics // Archive

Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2006 Volume 11, Issue 4, Pages 475–481 (Mi rcd688)

This article is cited in 20 papers

A note on theorem of Massera

O. Zubelevich

Department of Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Peoples Friendship University of Russia, 3, Ordzhonikidze str., 117198 Moscow, Russia

Abstract: In this paper we consider a discrete dynamical system generated by bounded affine mappings on Banach spaces and on Montel locally convex spaces. We show that if these dynamical systems have bounded trajectories then they have periodic ones. Different applications are considered.

Keywords: Massera criterion, periodic solution, dynamical systems.

MSC: 34G10

Received: 21.05.2006
Accepted: 31.07.2006

Language: English

DOI: 10.1070/RD2006v011n04ABEH000365

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