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JOURNALS // Regular and Chaotic Dynamics // Archive

Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 2009 Volume 14, Issue 4-5, Pages 495–505 (Mi rcd978)

This article is cited in 16 papers

Proceedings of GDIS 2008, Belgrade

Hamiltonization of the generalized Veselova LR system

Yu. N. Fedorova, B. Jovanovićb

a Departament de Matemática I, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, E-08028 Spain
b Mathematical Institute SANU, Kneza Mihaila 36, 11000, Belgrade, Serbia

Abstract: We revise the solution to the problem of Hamiltonization of the $n$-dimensional Veselova non-holonomic system studied previously in [1]. Namely, we give a short and direct proof of the hamiltonization theorem and also show the trajectorial equivalence of the problem with the geodesic flow on the ellipsoid.

Keywords: nonholonomic systems, integrability, geodesic flows.

MSC: 37J60, 37J35, 70H45

Received: 06.02.2009
Accepted: 23.03.2009

Language: English

DOI: 10.1134/S1560354709040066

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