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JOURNALS // Uspekhi Khimii // Archive

Usp. Khim., 1988 Volume 57, Issue 5, Pages 856–861 (Mi rcr3882)

The Glass Points and Dielectric Relaxation of Carboxyl-containing Copolymers and Ionomers Based on Them

I. A. Ionova, Yu. B. Monakov, S. R. Rafikov

Institute of Chemistry of the Bashkir Scientific Center, Ural Branch of the USSR, Ufa

Abstract: The influence of the content and distribution of carboxy-groups along the polymer chain, the amount and nature of the cations introduced, and the dielectric constant of the polymer matrix on the dielectric relaxation and the glass points of carboxyl-containing copolymers (CCC) and their ionomers is considered. It is shown that the specific features of the properties of the ionomers are determined by the formation of ionic aggregates: multiplets in the presence of a low content of ion clusters at a fairly high concentration of ions which depends on the structure of the initial copolymer. It is concluded that the type of distribution of the carboxy-groups and the dielectric constant of the polymer matrix have a decisive influence on the ion aggregation process.
The bibliography includes 85 references.

UDC: 541.64:678.7-13:53.096

DOI: 10.1070/RC1988v057n05ABEH003364

 English version:
Russian Chemical Reviews, 1988, 57:5, 475–483

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