The well-known topological Tverberg conjecture was considered a central unsolved problem of topological combinatorics. The conjecture asserts that for any integers$r$, $d$and any continuous map$f\colon\Delta\to\mathbb{R}^d$of the$(d+1)(r-1)$-dimensional simplex there are pairwise disjoint faces$\sigma_1,\dots,\sigma_r\subset\Delta$ such that $f(\sigma_1)\cap\dots\cap f(\sigma_r)\ne\varnothing$. The conjecture was proved for a prime power $r$, but recently counterexamples for other $r$ were found. Similarly, the $r$-fold van Kampen–Flores conjecture holds for a prime power $r$ but not for other $r$. The arguments form a beautiful and fruitful interplay among combinatorics, algebra, and topology. This survey presents a simplified exposition accessible to non-specialists in the area, along with some recent developments and open problems.
Bibliography: 80 titles.