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JOURNALS // Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya [Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports] // Archive

Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 2019 Volume 16, Pages 439–448 (Mi semr1068)

Geometry and topology

Volume polynomials for polyhedra combinatorially isometric to $n$-prisms in the cases $n=5,6,7$

D. I. Sabitova, I. Kh. Sabitovb

a Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Skolkovo Innovation Center, 3, Nobel str., Moscow, 143026, Russia
b Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia

Abstract: We present an algorithm for an explicit construction of the canonical volume polynomials for polyhedra combinatorially isomorphic to an $n$-prism in the cases $n=5,6$ and $n=7$ and realize them in the case of some special values of edge lengths.

Keywords: $n$-prism-type polyhedra, volume, polynomial equation.

UDC: 514.772

MSC: 53C

Received January 31, 2019, published March 29, 2019

DOI: 10.33048/semi.2019.16.026

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