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JOURNALS // Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya [Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports] // Archive

Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 2021 Volume 18, Issue 2, Pages 985–996 (Mi semr1415)

Geometry and topology

On geometrical properties of continuous mappings which preserve orientation of simplices

V. A. Klyachin, N. A. Chåbanånko

Volgograd State University, 100, Universitetskiy ave., Volgograd, 400062, Russia

Abstract: It is easy to show that if a continuous and open mapping preserves the orientation of all simplices, then it is affine. The article discusses the class of continuous, open mappings $ f: D \subset \mathbb{R}^3 \to \mathbb{R}^3$ that preserve the orientation of simplices from a given subset of the set of simplexes with vertices in the domain $ D \subset \mathbb{R}^3 $. In this paper, the questions of the geometric structure of linear transforms of such mappings are investigated. This study is based on a key property: if a map preserves the orientation of simplices from a certain subset $ B $ of the set of all simplices with vertices in $ D $, then the pre-image of a hyperplane cannot contain vertices of a simplex from $ B $. Based on the analysis of the structure of a set with such a property, it is possible to obtain results on its geometric structure. In particular, the article proved that if a continuous and open mapping preserves the orientation of a fairly wide class of simplices, then it is affine. For some special classes of triangles in $ \mathbb{R}^2 $ with a given condition on its maximum angle, the authors previously proved that the inverse image of a line is locally a graph of a function (in some case, Lipschitz) in a suitable Cartesian coordinate system.

Keywords: simplex, orientation of simplex, continuous mapping, monotone function.

UDC: 514.142.2, 514.174.6

MSC: 52B55, 68U05

Received January 22, 2019, published September 17, 2021

DOI: 10.33048/semi.2021.18.074

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