We approximate intersection numbers $\big\langle \psi_1^{d_1}\cdots \psi_n^{d_n}\big\rangle_{g,n}$ on Deligne–Mumford's moduli space $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ of genus $g$ stable complex curves with $n$ marked points by certain closed-form expressions in $d_1,\dots,d_n$. Conjecturally, these approximations become asymptotically exact uniformly in $d_i$ when $g\to\infty$ and $n$ remains bounded or grows slowly. In this note we prove a lower bound for the intersection numbers in terms of the above-mentioned approximating
expressions multiplied by an explicit factor $\lambda(g,n)$, which tends to $1$ when $g\to\infty$ and
Keywords:intersection numbers, $\psi$-classes, Witten–Kontsevich correlators, moduli space of curves, large genus asymptotics.