The paper is devoted to the derivation of the gradient (weakly nonlocal) diffuse interface model, which describes an electrical breakdown
channel propagation under the application of an electric field.
In contrast to earlier presented models, the derived one is
nonisothermal and consists of Maxwell's equations in quasi(electro)stationary
approximation, Allen—Cahn type equation which governs phase field
evolution, and energy balance equation.
The derivation of the model is provided based on the
rational thermomechanics framework using M.Gurtin microstress and
microforce theory and Coleman-Noll procedure to derive
constitutive relations of the model. The derived model is
thermodynamically consistent and satisfies entropy inequality
in the respective form.
The closed-form formulation of the model and complete set of constitutive
relations are presented.
Keywords:diffuse interface model, phase field, order parameter, electrical breakdown.