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JOURNALS // Sibirskii Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki // Archive

Sib. Zh. Vychisl. Mat., 2015 Volume 18, Number 1, Pages 41–53 (Mi sjvm565)

This article is cited in 6 papers

Automatic program parallelization with block data distribution

L. R. Gervich, E. N. Kravchenko, B. Y. Steinberg, M. V. Yurushkin

Southern Federal University, 105/42 Bolshaya Sadovaya str., Rostov-on-Don, 344006, Russia

Abstract: This paper discusses several automated methods of acceleration programs. The acceleration is achieved by parallelization and optimization of memory access. Optimization of accesses to RAM is achieved by switching to a block code and block placements arrays. When using a distributed memory, the automated distribution of arrays and array distribution with overlapping are employed. Automation is implemented using the C language with pragmas in Open Parallelizing System. This paper presents the numerical results for linear algebra and mathematical physics. Some features of this demonstration converter have a remote access to the Internet.

Key words: automatic parallelization, tiling, memory, distributed memory, block distribution of arrays, optimization of memory, distribution with overlapping.

UDC: 004.252+004.254+004.272.34

Received: 28.10.2013
Revised: 11.03.2014

 English version:
Numerical Analysis and Applications, 2015, 8:1, 35–45

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