About the power law of the PageRank vector distribution. Part 2. Backley–Osthus model, power law verification for this model and setup of real search engines
In the second part of this paper, we consider the Buckley–Osthus model for the formation of a webgraph. For the networks generated according to this model, we numerically calculate the PageRank vector. We show that the components of this vector are distributed according to the power law. We also discuss the computational aspects of this model with respect to different numerical methods for the calculation of the PageRank vector, presented in the first part of the paper. Finally, we describe a general model for the web-page ranking and some approaches to solve the optimization problem arising when learning this model.
Key words:Markov chain, ergodic theorem, multinomial distribution, measure concentration, maximum likelihood estimate, Google problem, gradient descent, automatic differentiation, power law distribution.