It is proved that every projective connection on an $n$-dimensional
manifold $M$ is locally defined by a system $\mathscr S$ of $n-1$
second-order ordinary differential equations resolved with respect to
the second derivatives and with right-hand sides cubic in the first
derivatives, and that every differential system $\mathscr S$ defines
a projective connection on $M$. The notion of equivalent differential
systems is introduced and necessary and sufficient conditions are
found for a system $\mathscr S$ to be reducible by a change of
variables to a system whose integral curves are straight lines. It is
proved that the symmetry group of a differential system $\mathscr S$
is a group of projective transformations in $n$-dimensional space
with the associated projective connection and has dimension $\leqslant n^2+2n$. Necessary and sufficient conditions are found for a system
to admit the maximal symmetry group; basis vector fields and
structure equations of the maximal symmetry Lie algebra are produced.
As an application a classification is given of the systems $\mathscr S$ of two second-order differential equations admitting
three-dimensional soluble symmetry groups.
Bibliography: 22 titles.