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JOURNALS // Matematicheskii Sbornik // Archive

Mat. Sb., 1989 Volume 180, Number 6, Pages 763–786 (Mi sm1633)

This article is cited in 16 papers

The correspondence principle in quantum field theory and relativistic boson string theory

A. Yu. Khrennikov

Abstract: The author constructs the Schrödinger representation in the quantum theory of fields, strings, and membranes on a mathematical level of rigor. This representation is based on the theory of pseudodifferential operators on an infinite-dimensional superspace, developed by the author within the framework of functional superanalysis.
In the Schrödinger representation, the author realizes all the basic operators of quantum mechanics with fermion-boson coordinates, the operators of quantum field theory (including supersymmetric field theory), and the operators of the quantum and field theory of strings and membranes (Hamiltonians of fields with polynomial self-action in a space of arbitrary dimension. Virasoro operators, the BRST charge operator which forms the basis of boson string gauge theory, the gauge-invariant Hamiltonian of a boson string, and the Hamiltonian of a supermembrane).
It should be noted that the representation constructed here does not satisfy the canonical axiomatics of quantum theory ? the state space is not Hilbert space.
Bibliography: 45 titles.

UDC: 517.444

MSC: Primary 81E05, 58G15; Secondary 81D07

Received: 07.07.1987 and 20.12.1988

 English version:
Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik, 1990, 67:1, 209–233

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