The Wiener-Hopf integral equation
\begin {equation}
f(x)=g(x)+\int _0^\infty K(x-t) f(t)\,dt,\qquad
\tag{{1}}\end {equation}
and the related problems of factorization are considered for the kernels
$\displaystyle K(\pm x)=\int _a^b e^{-xp}\,d\sigma _\pm (p)$, where
$\sigma _\pm (p)\uparrow{}$ and
$\displaystyle\mu \equiv \sum _\pm \int _a^b \frac 1p\,d\sigma _\pm (p)<+\infty$.
If $K$ is even or the symbol $1-\widehat K(s)$ has a positive zero, then the existence of Volterra factorization is proved in the supercritical case $\mu >1$. An extension of this result to the general supercritical case is indicated. The solubility of the corresponding equation (1) is proved for $g \in L_1(0,\infty )$. Several other results in the supercritical case or for
$\mu=1$ are obtained. The approach discussed is essentially based on the method of special factorization and on the generalized Ambartsumyan equations.