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JOURNALS // Matematicheskii Sbornik // Archive

Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 1986 Volume 129(171), Number 2, Pages 175–185 (Mi sm1814)

This article is cited in 16 papers

Pseudodifferential operators on $\mathbf R^n$ and limit operators

B. V. Lange, V. S. Rabinovich

Abstract: The Fredholm property and spectral properties are considered for pseudodifferential operators on $\mathbf R^n$ with symbol satisfying the estimates
\begin{equation} |\partial^\beta_x\partial^\alpha_\xi a(x,\xi)|\leqslant C_{\alpha\beta}\lambda(x,\xi)\qquad\forall\,\alpha,\beta,C_{\alpha\beta}>0, \end{equation}
where $\lambda(x,\xi)$ is a basic weight function.
As follows from (1), differentiation of the symbol does not improve its behavior at infinity.
The family of limit operators is introduced for a pseudodifferential operator. A theorem is proved giving necessary and sufficient conditions for the Fredholm property in terms of invertibility of the family of limit operators. Some properties of the spectrum are formulated in the same terms. Examples are given which illustrate the main results.
Bibliography: 14 titles.

UDC: 517.9

MSC: Primary 35S05, 47A53; Secondary 47G05

Received: 30.01.1984

 English version:
Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik, 1987, 57:1, 183–194

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