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JOURNALS // Matematicheskii Sbornik // Archive

Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 1986 Volume 130(172), Number 1(5), Pages 35–61 (Mi sm1849)

On the recovery of the coefficients of a rearranged Haar series

G. M. Mushegyan

Abstract: The author has previously established that, for any rearrangement of a Haar series, if the rearranged series converges everywhere on $[0,1]$ to a bounded function $f(x)$ then the coefficients of the series can be recovered from the sum $f(x)$ using the formulas of Fourier; however, no analogous assertion holds, in general, for an arbitrary summable function $f$.
Generalizing his previous results, the author shows, in particular, that the theorem on the recovery of the coefficients of a rearranged Haar series goes over to functions of the class $L_2$, but not to the class $L_p$ for any $p<2$.
Bibliography: 9 titles.

UDC: 517.51

MSC: 42C20, 42C10

Received: 01.08.1984 and 29.12.1985

 English version:
Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik, 1987, 58:1, 31–57

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