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JOURNALS // Matematicheskii Sbornik // Archive

Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 1985 Volume 128(170), Number 1(9), Pages 3–20 (Mi sm2014)

This article is cited in 1 paper

On a generic property of vector subspaces defined by Lyapunov exponents

V. M. Millionshchikov

Abstract: It is proved that the dependence on a Cauchy problem of the subspace consisting of the initial values of those solutions of the linearized Cauchy problem whose Lyapunov exponents do not exceed the $k$th Lyapunov exponent of the linearized system is generically continuous, provided that the $k$th exponent of the linearized system is different from its $(k-1)$st exponent.
Bibliography: 11 titles.

UDC: 517.938

MSC: Primary 34C35; Secondary 35B30, 35P20, 34D05

Received: 03.07.1984

 English version:
Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik, 1987, 56:1, 1–18

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