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JOURNALS // Matematicheskii Sbornik // Archive

Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 1973 Volume 92(134), Number 2(10), Pages 195–208 (Mi sm3339)

This article is cited in 2 papers

A priori estimates and the Fredholm property for a class of pseudodifferential operators

V. S. Rabinovich

Abstract: Pseudodifferential operators with symbols $A(x,\xi)$ satisfying
\begin{equation} |D^\beta_xD_\xi^\alpha A(x,\xi)|\leqslant C^A_{\alpha,\beta}(1+|\xi'|)^{m'-|\alpha'|}(1+|\xi''|)^{m''-|\alpha''|} \end{equation}
for all multi-indices $\alpha$, $\beta$, where $\xi=(\xi',\xi'')$ and $\alpha=(\alpha',\alpha'')$, are considered.
For operators of this class a priori estimates (in part as well as all of the variables) are established. Necessary and sufficient conditions are found for some classes of pseudodifferential operators with symbols satisfying (1) to have the Fredholm property.
Bibliography: 11 titles.

UDC: 517.948

MSC: Primary 35B45, 35S05, 47G05; Secondary 35J70, 47B30

Received: 29.04.1972

 English version:
Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik, 1973, 21:2, 191–206

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