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JOURNALS // Matematicheskii Sbornik // Archive

Mat. Sb., 2001 Volume 192, Number 6, Pages 51–70 (Mi sm572)

This article is cited in 18 papers

Fourier series and $\delta$-subharmonic functions of finite $\gamma$-type in a half-plane

K. G. Malyutin

Ukrainian Academy of Banking

Abstract: Let $\gamma(r)$ be a growth function and let $v(z)$ be a proper $\delta$-subharmonic function in the sense of Grishin in a complex half-plane, that is $v=v_1-v_2$, where $v_1$ and $v_2$ are proper subharmonic functions $(\lim\sup_{z\to t}v_i(z)\leqslant0$, for each real $t$, $i=1,2)$, let $\lambda=\lambda_+-\lambda_-$ be the full measure corresponding to $v$ and let $T(r,v)$ be its Nevanlinna characteristic. The class $J\delta(\gamma)$ of functions of finite $\gamma$-type is defined as follows: $v\in J\delta(\gamma)$ if $T(r,v)\leqslant A\gamma(Br)/r$ for some positive constants $A$ and $B$. The Fourier coefficients of $v$ are defined in the standard way:
$$ c_k(r,v)=\frac 2\pi\int_0^\pi v(re^{i\theta})\sin k\theta\,d\theta, \qquad r>0, \quad k\in\mathbb N. $$

The central result of the paper is the equivalence of the following properties: where $N(r)=N(r,\lambda_+)$ or $N(r)=N(r,\lambda_-)$, and $|c_k(r,v)|\leqslant A_2\gamma(B_2r)$. It is proved in addition that $J\delta(\gamma)=JS(\gamma)-JS(\gamma)$, where $JS(\gamma)$ is the class of proper subharmonic functions of finite $\gamma$-type.

UDC: 517.535.4

MSC: 31A05, 31A10

Received: 13.06.2000

DOI: 10.4213/sm572

 English version:
Sbornik: Mathematics, 2001, 192:6, 843–861

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