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JOURNALS // Matematicheskii Sbornik // Archive

Mat. Sb., 2023 Volume 214, Number 8, Pages 74–93 (Mi sm9842)

Homology of transitive digraphs and discrete spaces

Yu. V. Muranova, R. Jimenezb

a University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn, Poland
b Institute of Mathematics, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Oaxaca, Mexico

Abstract: We prove that for transitive digraphs path homology, and therefore also Alexandroff homology, coincides with singular cubic homology. Also, discrete topological spaces are defined that are natural analogues of standard topological cubes. Using them, the singular cubic homology of discrete topological spaces is defined, and it is proved that these homology groups coincide with the Alexandroff homology groups.
Bibliography: 24 titles.

Keywords: transitive digraphs, Alexandroff homology, path homology, discrete topological spaces, digraph homology, homology of discrete topological spaces, singular cubic homology.

MSC: Primary 18G85; Secondary 05C20, 05C38, 55N10, 55N35

Received: 10.10.2022 and 09.05.2023

DOI: 10.4213/sm9842

 English version:
Sbornik: Mathematics, 2023, 214:8, 1121–1139

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