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JOURNALS // Sibirskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal // Archive

Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 2001 Volume 42, Number 5, Pages 1117–1124 (Mi smj1409)

This article is cited in 1 paper

Pseudodual grids and extensions of generalized quadrangles

A. A. Makhnev

Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract: We prove that an amply regular, locally $GQ(s,t)$ graph with $\mu=2t+4$ either has $s=t=2$, or is a Taylor graph, or has $s=2$ and $t=4$ and is a unique strongly regular, locally $GQ(2,4)$ graph with parameters (64, 27, 10, 12).

UDC: 519.14

Received: 14.04.1999

 English version:
Siberian Mathematical Journal, 2001, 42:5, 936–941

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