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JOURNALS // Sibirskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal // Archive

Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 2008 Volume 49, Number 5, Pages 1028–1045 (Mi smj1900)

This article is cited in 6 papers

Sobolev classes of mappings on a Carnot–Carathéodory space: Various norms and variational problems

S. K. Vodop'yanov, N. N. Romanovskii

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract: We prove the equivalence of various definitions of Sobolev classes and the $BV$-class of metric-space-valued mappings on some domain in a Carnot–Carathéodory space. Moreover, we prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution to some variational problem.

Keywords: Carnot–Carathéodory space, Sobolev classes of mappings, variational problem.

UDC: 517.518.17+517.97

Received: 22.03.2007
Revised: 22.11.2007

 English version:
Siberian Mathematical Journal, 2008, 49:5, 814–828

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