This article is cited in
2 papers
The topologies of local convergence in measure on the algebras of measurable operators
A. M. Bikchentaev Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Given a von Neumann algebra
${\mathcal M}$ of operators on a Hilbert space
${\mathcal H}$ and a faithful normal semifinite trace
$\tau$ on
${\mathcal M}$, denote by
$S({\mathcal M}, \tau )$ the
$*$-algebra of
$\tau$-measurable operators. We obtain a sufficient condition for the positivity of an hermitian operator in
$S({\mathcal M}, \tau )$ in terms of the topology
$t_{\tau l}$ of
$\tau$-local convergence in measure. We prove that the
${\mathcal F}({\mathcal M}, \tau )$ of elementary operators is \hbox{
$t_{ \tau l}$-dense} in
$S({\mathcal M}, \tau )$. If
$t_{ \tau}$ is locally convex then so is
$t_{ \tau l}$; if
$t_{ \tau l}$ is locally convex then so is the topology
$t_{w \tau l}$ of weakly
$\tau$-local convergence in measure. We propose some method for constructing
$F$-normed ideal spaces, henceforth
$F$-NIPs, on
$({\mathcal M}, \tau )$ starting from a prescribed
$F$-NIP and preserving completeness, local convexity, local boundedness, or normability whenever present in the original. Given two \hbox{
${\mathcal X}$} and
${\mathcal Y}$ on
$({\mathcal M}, \tau )$, suppose that
$A{\mathcal X}\subseteq {\mathcal Y}$ for some operator
$A \in S({\mathcal M}, \tau )$. Then the multiplier
${\mathbf M}_A X=AX$ acting as
${\mathbf M}_A : {\mathcal X}\to {\mathcal Y}$ is continuous. In particular, for
${\mathcal X}\subseteq {\mathcal Y}$ the natural embedding of
${\mathcal X}$ into
${\mathcal Y}$ is continuous. We inspect the properties of decreasing sequences of
$F$-NIPs on
$({\mathcal M},\tau )$.
Hilbert space, linear operator, von Neumann algebra, normal trace, measurable operator, local convergence in measure, locally convex space.
MSC: 35R30 Received: 29.03.2022
Revised: 28.10.2022
Accepted: 07.11.2022