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JOURNALS // Sibirskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal // Archive

Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 2024 Volume 65, Number 2, Pages 395–407 (Mi smj7862)

A family with a single minimal but not least numbering

M. Kh. Faizrahmanov

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Abstract: We prove the existence of a family of computably enumerable sets that, up to equivalence, has a unique computable minimal but not least numbering.

Keywords: minimal numbering, computable numbering, computable family, discrete family.

UDC: 510.5

MSC: 35R30

Received: 27.04.2023
Revised: 01.10.2023
Accepted: 28.01.2024

DOI: 10.33048/smzh.2024.65.212

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025