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JOURNALS // Zhurnal Srednevolzhskogo Matematicheskogo Obshchestva // Archive

Zhurnal SVMO, 2016 Volume 18, Number 3, Pages 70–79 (Mi svmo608)


Nonlocal problem for a mixed type fourth order differential equation in three dimensional domain

T. K. Yuldashev, A. V. Bagrova

M. F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University

Abstract: This article considers solvability of nonlocal mixed-value problem for a three-dimensional homogeneous mixed-type fourth-order differential equation. Solution construction for such equation is examined, too. Spectral method based on separation of variables is used in the article. The criterion of one-value solvability of the problem considered is installed. Under this criterion one-valued solvability of the problem is proved.

Keywords: mixed-type differential equation, fourth-order equation, three-dimensional domain, integral conditions, one-valued solvability.

UDC: 517.968

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