The issues of unique solvability of the Cauchy problem are studied for a quasilinear equation solved
with respect to the highest fractional Gerasimov–Caputo derivative in a Banach space with closed operators from
the class $A_{\alpha,G}^{n}$ in the linear part and with a nonlinear operator continuous in the graph norm.
A theorem on the local existence and uniqueness of a solution to the Cauchy problem is proved in the case of
a locally Lipschitz nonlinear operator. Under the nonlocal Lipschitz condition for the nonlinear operator,
the existence of a unique solution on a predetermined interval is shown. Abstract results are illustrated by
examples of initial–boundary value problems for partial differential equations with Gerasimov–Caputo time derivatives.
Keywords:Gerasimov–Caputo fractional derivative, Cauchy problem, sectorial set of operators, resolving family of operators, quasilinear equation, local solution, nonlocal solution, initial–boundary value problem.