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1 paper
One-dimensional $(k,a)$-generalized Fourier transform
V. I. Ivanovab a Tula State University
b Tula State Pedagogical University
We study the two-parametric
$(k,a)$-generalized Fourier transform
$k,a>0$, on the line. For
$a\neq 2$ it has deformation properties and, in particular, for a function
$f$ from the Schwartz space
$\mathcal{F}_{k,a}(f)$ may be not infinitely differentiable or rapidly decreasing at infinity. It is proved that the invariant set for the generalized Fourier transform
$\mathcal{F}_{k,a}$ and differential-difference operator
$|x|^{2-a}\Delta_kf(x)$, where
$\Delta_k$ is the Dunkl Laplacian, is the class
$$ \mathcal{S}_{a}(\mathbb{R})=\{f(x)=F_1(|x|^{a/2})+xF_2(|x|^{a/2})\colon F_1,F_2\in\mathcal{S}(\mathbb{R}),\,\, F_1,F_2 - \text{are even}\}.$$
$r\in\mathbb{N}$, we consider two generalized translation operators
$\tau^{y}$ and
$T^y=(\tau^{y}+\tau^ {-y})/2$. Simple integral representations are proposed for them, which make it possible to prove their
$L^{p}$-boundedness as
$1\le p\le\infty$ for
$\lambda=r(2k-1)>-1/2$. For
$\lambda\ge 0$ the generalized translation operator
$T^y$ is positive and its norm is equal to one. Two convolutions are defined and Young's theorem is proved for them. For generalized means defined using convolutions, a sufficient
$L^{p}$-convergence condition is established. The generalized analogues of the Gauss–Weierstrass, Poisson, and Bochner–Riesz means are studied.
$(k,a)$-generalized Fourier transform, generalized translation operator, convolution, generalized means.
MSC: 42B10,
33C52 Received: 10.07.2023
Revised: 16.08.2023
Accepted: 21.08.2023