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JOURNALS // Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming of the RAS // Archive

Proceedings of ISP RAS, 2019 Volume 31, Issue 5, Pages 95–108 (Mi tisp456)

This article is cited in 3 papers

Methods for assessing the reliability of software and hardware systems

E. M. Lavrischevaab, S. V. Zelenovca, N. V. Pakulind

a Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences
b Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)
c National Research University, Higher School of Economics
d Pax Datatech PTE. Ltd

Abstract: At first, the paper introduces the main methods for ensuring and assessing the reliability and safety of software and hardware systems in the processes of their life cycle, as well as collecting information about errors that occur in systems, defects and failures for subsequent changes. Then we consider a standard reliability model and provide a characteristic of basic indicators that include a reliability indicator; functionality and safety form the basis for measuring reliability. After this, the paper demonstrates the classification of reliability models, and shows the characteristics of the evaluation types used in the verification of reliability indicators of components of software and hardware systems. Next, we discuss the experimental results of applying the estimated reliability models to different sizes of software components of software and hardware systems as well as the results of measuring the reliability indicator on these components taking into account the density of defects, failure rates, and recovery. Finally, we note the importance of ensuring the reliability and safety (dependability and safety) of systems in the framework of the new standards of intelligent systems and the Internet of things.

Keywords: reliability, error, defect, failure, security, fault, completeness, testing, reliability, risks, smart computers.

DOI: 10.15514/ISPRAS-2019-31(5)-7

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025