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JOURNALS // Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika // Archive

TMF, 2022 Volume 213, Number 1, Pages 129–148 (Mi tmf10233)

Quasi-triangular structures on the super-Yangian and quantum loop superalgebra and difference equations

V. A. Stukopinabc

a Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia
b Southern Mathematical Institute of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladikavkaz, Russia
c Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education, Moscow, Russia

Abstract: Following the V. Toledano-Laredo and S. Gautam approach we consider structures of tensor categories on analogues of the category $\mathfrak{O} $ for representations of the super Yangian $Y_ {\ hbar} (A (m, n)) $ of the special linear superalgebra Lie and the quantum loop superalgebra $U_q (LA (m, n)) $, we investigate the connection between them. The connection between Quasi-triangular structures and Abelian difference equations, which are determined by the Abelian parts of the universal R-matrices, is also described. Bibliography: 34 titles.

Keywords: Yangian of Lie superalgebra, quantum loop superalgebra, Yangian module, category of $\mathfrak{O}$ representations, Lie superalgebra, universal R-matrix, Hopf superalgebra, tensor category, quasitriangular structure, difference equations.

MSC: 17B37

Received: 30.12.2021
Revised: 11.01.2022

DOI: 10.4213/tmf10233

 English version:
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2022, 213:1, 1423–1440

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