We consider a simplest two-dimensional reduction of the remarkable three-dimensional Hirota–Ohta system. The Lax pair of the Hirota–Ohta system was extended to a Lax triad by adding extra third linear equation, whose compatibility conditions with the Lax pair of the Hirota–Ohta imply another remarkable systems: the Kulish–Sklyanin system (KSS) together with its first higher commuting flow, which we can call the vector complex mKdV. This means that any common particular solution of both these two-dimensional integrable systems yields a corresponding particular solution of the three-dimensional Hirota–Ohta system. Using the Zakharov–Shabat dressing method, we derive the $N$-soliton solutions of these systems and analyze their interactions, i.e., explicitly derive the shifts of the relative center-of-mass coordinates and the phases as functions of the discrete eigenvalues of the Lax operator. Next, we relate Hirota–Ohta-type system to these nonlinear evolution equations and obtain its $N$-soliton solutions.