We consider two stochastic equations that describe the turbulent transfer of a passive scalar field $\theta(x)\equiv\theta(t,\mathbf x)$ and generalize the known Obukhov–Kraichnan model to the case of a possible compressibility and large-scale anisotropy. The pair correlation function of the field $\theta(x)$ is characterized by an infinite collection of anomalous indices, which have previously been found exactly using the zero-mode method. In the quantum field formulation, these indices are identified with the critical dimensions of an infinite family of tensor composite operators that are quadratic in the field $\theta(x)$, which allows obtaining exact values for the latter (the values not restricted to the $\varepsilon$-expansion) and then using them to find the corresponding renormalization constants. The identification of the correlation function indices with the composite-operator dimensions itself is supported by a direct calculation of the critical dimensions in the one-loop approximation.