For a $q$-deformed harmonic oscillator, we find explicit coordinate
representations of the creation and annihilation operators, eigenfunctions,
and coherent states {(}the last being defined as eigenstates of the
annihilation operator{\rm)}. We calculate the product of the
“coordinate–momentum” uncertainties in $q$-oscillator eigenstates and in
coherent states. For the oscillator, this product is minimum in the ground
state and equals $1/2$, as in the standard quantum mechanics. For coherent
states, the $q$-deformation results in a violation of the standard
uncertainty relation{;} the product of the coordinate- and
momentum-operator uncertainties is always less than $1/2$. States with the
minimum uncertainty, which tends to zero, correspond to the values of
$\lambda$ near the convergence radius of the $q$-exponential.