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11 papers
Complete phase diagrams with respect to external fields at low temperatures for models with nearest-neighbor interaction in the case of a finite or countable number of ground states
A. G. Basuev
It is shown that at low temperatures and for arbitrary external
fields (activities
$\hat z=\{z_k\}$) the ensemble with the
Hamiltonian (1) and particles in the set
$\Phi$ is equivalent to
$|\Phi|$ Ising models with activities
$b_k(\hat z), \hat b(\hat z)
= \{b_k(\hat z)\}$. The mapping
$\hat b(\hat z)$ is a
homeomorphism on the positive octant
$l_\infty (\Phi)$ if
$\sup\limits_k \sum\limits_{l \neq k}
\exp\{-\beta\varepsilon(k,l)\}\leq \bar\psi_1$, where
is a small number. The pressure in the ensemble is $p(\hat
z)=\sup\limits_{k \in \Phi}b_k(\hat z) = | \hat b(\hat z) |$. The
limit Gibbs states corresponding to the vector
$\hat z$ are small
perturbations of the ground states
$\alpha(x)= q \in G_1(\hat z)$
and are labeled by elements of the set $G_1(\hat z) = \{ \hat q:
\ln b_q(\hat z) = p(\hat z)\}$, where the function
$G_1(\hat z)$
defines the phase diagram of the ensemble. In the regions of
constancy of
$G_1(\hat z)$ the pressure can be continued to a
holomorphie function, and the particle densities
$z_l \partial
p/\partial z_l$ are continuous in the closure of a region of
constancy of
$G_1(\hat z)$.
Received: 19.05.1983