In the classical lattice antiferromagnetic model on the lattice
$Z^1$ with Hamiltonian
Z^1;x>y}U(x-y)\varphi(x)\varphi(y)+\mu\sum\limits_{x\in Z^1}\varphi(x),
where $U(x)$ is a strictly convex function $\sum\limits_{x\in
Z^1,x>0}U(x)<\infty, \mu$ is the chemical potential, and the
spin variables $\varphi(x)$ take the values $0$ and $1$, periodic
ground states, i.e., periodic configurations with minimal specific
energy, were constructed earlier for rational values of the
density by means of the theory of continued fractions. In the
present paper, it is shown that other periodic ground states do
not exist.