This article is cited in
2 papers
Equations of the quantum inverse scattering method in the semiclassical limit
D. I. Abramov
The transition to the semiclassicat limit in Marchenko's method for the inverse
scattering problem for fixed angular momentum in the
$s$-wave case is investigated.
It is shown that the kernel
$K(r, r')$ of the transformation operator is determined
by the classically forbidden region and is exponentially large. Therefore, the
linear integral equation for
$K(r, r')$ cannot be reduced to a relationship between
semiclassical physical quantities. Instead, one uses the equivalent nonlinear
equation for the kernel
$L(r, r')$ of the inverse operator of the transformation,
continued with respect to the first argument to the complete axis. Under semiclassical
conditions, the kernel
$L(r, r')$ is a rapidly oscillating function having
a simple physical meaning, and the nonlinear equation for
$L(r, r')$ goes over
into the well-known semiclassical relation between the phase shift and the
potential. As an example,
$s$-wave scattering by an exponential potential is
Received: 14.05.1984