It is known [1] that quantum effects leads to an exponentially
rapid destruction of the stochastic phase trajectory of a
nonlinear oscillator excited by a regular force exerted on it by
an external source. In the present paper, the exponentially
growing quantum corrections are completely summed. As a result,
the semiclassical series for the quantum-mechanical expectation
values is rearranged in such a way that it no longer contains the
exponentially growing terms. The main term of the obtained series
leads in the case of stochastic motion to the same dependence of
the mean action of the oscillator on the time as in the classical
case, and the first correction has the order $\hbar^2$. At the
same time, the mean powers of the action contain already in the
leading approximation corrections of order $\hbar$ that grow as
powers with the time, though they do not change the asymptotic
behavior as $t\rightarrow\infty$. The obtained results are not
sensitive to the choice of the initial state of the oscillator.