We consider the projective line over the finite quotient ring
$R_{\diamondsuit}\equiv{GF}(2)[x]/\langle x^3-x\rangle$. The line is endowed with 18
points, spanning the neighborhoods of three pairwise distant points. Because
$R_{\diamondsuit}$ is not a local ring, the neighbor (or parallel)
relation is not an equivalence relation, and the sets of neighbors for two
distant points hence overlap. There are nine neighbors of any point on
the line, forming three disjoint families under the reduction modulo either of
the two maximal ideals of the ring. Two of the families contain four points
each, and they swap their roles when switching from one ideal to the other,
the points in one family merging with (the image of) the point in
question and the points in the other family passing in pairs into
the remaining two points of the associated ordinary projective line of order two.
The single point in the remaining family passes to the reference point under
both maps, and its existence stems from a nontrivial character of
the Jacobson radical $\mathcal J_{\diamondsuit}$ of the ring. The quotient ring
$\widetilde R_{\diamondsuit}
\equiv R_{\diamondsuit}/\mathcal J_{\diamondsuit}$
is isomorphic to
${GF}(2)\otimes{GF}(2)$. The projective line over
$\widetilde R_{\diamondsuit}$ features nine points, each of them surrounded by four
neighbors and four distant points, and any two distant points share two
neighbors. We surmise that these remarkable ring geometries are relevant for
modeling entangled qubit states, which we will discuss in detail in Part II
of this paper.
Keywords:projective ring line, finite quotient ring, neighbor/distant relation, quantum entanglement.