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JOURNALS // Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika // Archive

TMF, 2007 Volume 151, Number 1, Pages 81–108 (Mi tmf6013)

This article is cited in 24 papers

Toda chain, Stieltjes function, and orthogonal polynomials

F. Peherstorfera, V. P. Spiridonovb, A. S. Zhedanovc

a Johannes Kepler University Linz
b Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
c Donetsk Physical-Technical Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Abstract: We discuss relations between the theory of orthogonal polynomials, Hankel determinants, and the unrestricted one-dimensional Toda chain. In particular, we show that the equations of motion for the Toda chain are equivalent to a Riccati equation for the Stieltjes function. We consider some examples of the Stieltjes function with an explicit (hypergeometric and elliptic) time dependence in detail.

Keywords: integrable system, Toda chain, orthogonal polynomial.

Received: 29.08.2006

DOI: 10.4213/tmf6013

 English version:
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2007, 151:1, 505–528

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