In recent papers, it was hypothesized that there exist dissipationless quantum liquids, i.e., liquids with zero or vanishingly small viscosity and zero entropy production, which nevertheless have nontrivial second-order transport coefficients. A natural candidate for a dissipationless liquid is the hypothetical conformal quantum liquid, whose holographically dual description in the infrared limit is given by the five-dimensional Gauss–Bonnet gravity. It is known that shear viscosity in that theory can be made arbitrarily small as the Gauss–Bonnet coupling parameter approaches a critical value. We evaluate the transport coefficients of a Gauss–Bonnet liquid (nonperturbatively in the coupling parameter; three of the six coefficients were previously unknown) and consider the zero-viscosity limit. We show that three of the five second-order coefficients are nonzero in this limit, but they do not satisfy the criterion of zero entropy production. Hence, the holographic Gauss–Bonnet liquid is not a dissipationless quantum liquid.
Keywords:gauge–gravitational duality, Gauss–Bonnet gravity, hydrodynamics, transport coefficient, viscosity.