Functional integrals for the Bogoliubov Gaussian measure: Exact asymptotic forms
V. R. Fatalov Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
We prove theorems on the exact asymptotic forms as
$u\to\infty$ of two
functional integrals over the Bogoliubov measure
$\mu_{{\mathrm B}}$ of the forms
|x(t)|^p\,dt\biggr]^{u}\,d\mu_{{\mathrm B}}(x),\qquad
|x(t)|^p\,dt\biggr)^{\!\alpha/p}\,\biggr\}\,d\mu_{{\mathrm B}}(x)
$p=4,6,8,10$ with
$p>p_0$, where
$p_0=2+4\pi^2/\beta^2\omega^2$ is the threshold value,
$\beta$ is the inverse temperature,
$\omega$ is the eigenfrequency of the harmonic oscillator, and
$0<\alpha<2$. As the method
of study, we use the Laplace method in Hilbert functional spaces for
distributions of almost surely continuous Gaussian processes.
Bogoliubov measure, almost surely continuous Gaussian process, Laplace method in a functional Hilbert space, manifold of minimum values. Received: 24.05.2017
Revised: 24.08.2017