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JOURNALS // Informatics and Automation // Archive

Tr. SPIIRAN, 2013 Issue 26, Pages 349–383 (Mi trspy563)

This article is cited in 5 papers

Tools of Integrated Technology for Analysis and Verification of Telecom Application Specs

I. S. Anureeva, S. N. Baranovb, D. M. Beloglazova, E. V. Bodina, P. D. Drobintsevc, A. V. Kolchind, V. P. Kotlyarovc, A. A. Letichevskiid, O. A. Letychevskyid, V. A. Nepomnyashchiiae, I. V. Nikiforovc, S. V. Potiyenkod, L. V. Priimac, B. V. Tyutinc

a A. P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems Sib. Br. RAS
b St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS
c Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University
d Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics NAS Ukraine
e Novosibirsk State University

Abstract: The paper describes an integrated approach and respective tools which provide methods and means for analysis and verification for representatives of all four major classes of languages used to describe telecom applications: languages of general purpose executable specifications (SDL), languages for high-level descriptions of complex systems behavior patterns and their interconnections (UCM), special purpose language for verification of telecom applications (interpreting MSC, communicating finite state machines, Dynamic-REAL), and industrial imperative languages (C/C++).
Verification of specifications is complemented with automated construction of test suites, which ensure the specified test coverage rate of source behavioral specifications and are optimal with respect to specified performance criteria. Tests are run in a specialized automated test-run environment either on system models, or on actual system implementations inserted in respective program shells which provide communication of the system under test with the test environment. The test shell allows for automated analysis of the test-run results along with the test-runs as well.

Keywords: asic protocols, verification, key agents, operational semantics, safety logic, telecommunication systems, labelled transition systems, specification language SDL, specification language Dynamic-REAL, verification system SPIN, finite automata systems, coloured Petri nets.

UDC: 004.92+004.94

Received: 25.12.2012

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025