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JOURNALS // Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya // Archive

Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 2008 Volume 53, Issue 2, Pages 382–390 (Mi tvp2421)

This article is cited in 5 papers

Short Communications

On Gaussian Measure of Balls in a Hilbert Space

L. V. Rozovskii

Saint-Petersburg Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy

Abstract: Let $X$ be a centered Gaussian random vector taking values in a separable Hilbert space $H$, and let $a\in H$. We investigate the behavior of the density and the distribution function of a noncentered ball $\|X-a\|^2$ by means of its Laplace transform and obtain the results with an optimal estimate of the accuracy rate. As a tool we use a “local limit theorems” approach.

Keywords: small balls, Gaussian measure, Hilbert space, Laplace transform.

Received: 21.10.2003
Revised: 14.02.2008

DOI: 10.4213/tvp2421

 English version:
Theory of Probability and its Applications, 2009, 53:2, 357–364

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