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12 papers
Short Communications
A Problem on Searching
O. V. Staroverov Moscow
Let the point with probability
$p_k > 0,k = 1,2, \cdots ,n$, be located in a cell with the number
$k;\sum _{k = 1}^n p_k = 1$. Only one cell is inspected per unit of time. If the point lies in the cell being inspectted, it can be discovered with a probability
$p > 0$.
The results of such investigations are independent. Let us denote by
$\alpha_t,1\leq\alpha_t\leq n$, the number of the cell investigated at time
$t$ if the point was not discovered up to the time
$t-1$. Let $\alpha=(\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\cdots,\alpha_t,\cdots)$ be the procedure of searching and
$\tau_\alpha$ the time required for discovering the point. In this paper a procedure of searching
$\alpha^*$ is determined so that
{\mathbf M}\tau _{\alpha^*}=\mathop {\inf }\limits_\alpha{\mathbf M}\tau _a .
Received: 27.11.1961