We study a problem of option replication under constant proportional
transaction costs in models where stochastic volatility and jumps are
combined to capture the market's important features. Assuming some mild
condition on the jump size distribution, we show that transaction costs can be
approximately compensated by applying the Leland adjusting volatility
principle and the asymptotic property of the hedging error due to discrete
readjustments. In particular, the jump risk can be approximately eliminated,
and the results established in continuous diffusion models are recovered. The
study also confirms that, for the case of constant trading cost rate, the
approximate results established by Kabanov and Safarian [Finance
Stoch., 1 (1997), pp. 239–250] and by Pergamenschikov [Ann. Appl.Probab., 13 (2003), pp. 1099–1118] are still valid in jump-diffusion models
with deterministic volatility.