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15 papers
Short Communications
Some extremal problems in the queueing theory
B. A. Rogozin Novosibirsk
The simplest queueing systems are considered. It is supposed that the periods of time between two succesive arrivals of the calls
$\tau_1,\tau_2,\dots,\tau_n,\dots$ as well as the service times
$\eta_1,\eta_2,\dots,\eta_n,\dots$ are independent identically distributed random variables, with
$\eta_1,\eta_2,\dots,\eta_n$ being independent of
In the case of queueing systems it is established that when the usual conditions are satisfied, the distribution of
$\tau_1$ is fixed and
$\mathbf E\eta_1=\alpha$, the greatest lower bound of the expectation of the limit distribution of the waiting time
$\mathbf EW$ is attained on the distribution
$\mathbf P\{\eta_1=\alpha\}=1$. The similar question concerning
$\mathbf EW$ is considered when the distribution of
$\eta_1$ is fixed and
$\mathbf E\tau_1=\beta$. Besides in the same situation an upper estimate for
$\mathbf EW$ is given.
In the case of systems with losses of calls it is established that the extrema of the probability to be served when the distribution of
$\tau_1$ is fixed and
$\mathbf E\eta_1=\alpha$ is attained on, the distributions of
$\eta_1$ such that $\mathbf P\{\eta_1=x_1\}+\mathbf P\{\eta_2=x_2\}=1$ for some
Received: 02.02.1965