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JOURNALS // Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur // Archive

TVT, 2021 Volume 59, Issue 5, Pages 715–721 (Mi tvt11568)

This article is cited in 3 papers

Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics

On some features of the gravitational deposition of drops on a model with a hemispherical end

A. Yu. Varaksinab, N. V. Vasilevab, S. N. Vavilova, K. A. Khodakova

a Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
b Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Abstract: An attempt is made to experimentally study some of the effects observed during the gravitational deposition of drops on a model with a hemispherical end. By a frame-by-frame analysis of video recordings, the features of the interaction of the drops with the surface of the model are analyzed. Data are obtained on the velocities and sizes of both small (secondary drops) and large (fragments) drops in the case of a high (close to the dynamic Leidenfrost temperature) temperature of the model. The effect of the formation of drops with near-zero velocities near the surface of the model as a result of the coagulation and momentum exchange of incident and reflected drops is revealed. Data are obtained on the decrease in the velocity recovery coefficient with an increase in the inertia of drops in the case of their interaction with curved surfaces. The effect of the noncoincidence of the points of contact and rebound (detachment) of drops from the surface, which increases with increasing drop size, is found.

UDC: 532.529

Received: 25.11.2020
Revised: 15.05.2021
Accepted: 19.05.2021

DOI: 10.31857/S0040364421050203

 English version:
High Temperature, 2022, 60:1, Suppl. 2, S208–S214

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