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7 papers
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
The Variation of “Surface” Pressure in a Nanocrystal as a Function of Temperature
M. N. Magomedov Institute of Geothermy Problems, Makhachkala
The Mie-Lennard-Jones potential of interatomic interaction is used to derive an expression for “surface” pressure in a nanocrystal with free surface. The nanocrystal has the form of a parallelepiped with a square base. The number of atoms
$N$ may vary from eight to
$\infty$. It is found that a certain “inversion temperature”
$T_i$ exists for any substance, where the temperature dependences of surface pressure for different sizes of nanocrystal intersect. When the crystal disperses in the
$T < T_i$ region, the “surface” pressure increases, and in the
$T > T_i$ region decreases, with decreasing size of nanocrystal:
$P_{\text{sf}}(N) \sim N^{-1/3}$. The greater the deviation of the nanocrystal shape from cubic, the stronger the dependence
$P_{\text{sf}}(N)$. It is demonstrated that, at some temperatures
$(T < T_0)$, the “surface” pressure compresses the nanocrystal, and at other temperatures-stretches this nanocrystal, as its size decreases. The more clearly the quantum effects are defined in the crystal, the lower the value of the “temperature of zero surface pressure”
$T_0$, which depends on the nanocrystal size and shape.
Received: 29.06.2004