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JOURNALS // Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur // Archive

TVT, 2006 Volume 44, Issue 6, Pages 885–891 (Mi tvt1473)

Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics

The effect of interphase interaction on the development of perturbations in a turbulent swirl flow in multicomponent cocurrent supersonic stream

E. S. Asmolov, A. V. Kazakov, A. F. Kiselev, A. P. Kuryachii

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute

Abstract: The parameters are calculated of flow in the viscous core of an axisymmetric multicomponent turbulent vortex in a cocurrent supersonic stream containing liquid particles and water vapor condensing on these particles. The effect of interphase transfer of momentum and energy on the flow parameters in the vortex core is taken into account. The results of analysis of harmonic disturbances of infinitely small amplitude propagating along the vortex axis are used to determine the effect of turbulent swirl flow on the behavior of neutral disturbances associated with the processes of evaporation and condensation of water vapor on liquid particles in the axisymmetric vortex.

UDC: 532.529.5:517.4:536.24

PACS: 47.27.-i, 47.40.Ki

Received: 29.11.2005

 English version:
High Temperature, 2006, 44:6, 879–886

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