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JOURNALS // Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur // Archive

TVT, 2002 Volume 40, Issue 3, Pages 416–423 (Mi tvt1800)

This article is cited in 17 papers

Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics

Ignition of Multicomponent Hydrocarbon/Air Mixtures behind Shock Waves

E. V. Gurentsov, O. G. Divakov, A. V. Eremin

Institute of Extremal States Thermophysics, Scientific Association for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Abstract: Experimental and numerical investigations are performed of the temperature dependences of delays in the ignition, behind shock waves, of multicomponent mixtures simulating the products of steam conversion of methane. Experimental investigations are performed in the temperature range from $930$ to $1880$ K at pressures from $2.5$ to $9$ atm. It is demonstrated that ignition delays in mixtures of air with products of $50$ and $100\%$ steam conversion of methane may be described using the results of numerical calculations based on the known kinetic schemes of methane combustion. At the same time, a considerable (by a factor of two–three) reduction of delays in the ignition of methane/air mixtures during addition of steam is observed and discussed, which is not described by the known kinetic schemes. The obtained results may be used in developing hypersonic scramjet engines.

UDC: 534.222

Received: 20.09.2001

 English version:
High Temperature, 2002, 40:3, 379–386

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